What is the TRUE GOSPEL that Jesus PREACHED? Do you KNOW?
The truth is not merely surprising — it is shocking — staggering! Yet it is truly GOOD NEWS — the most glorious GOOD NEWS ever to enter human consciousness!
The message Jesus Christ brought from God, is the Gospel, or GOOD NEWS — gospel means good news — of the kingdom of God. The GOOD NEWS that God will send Christ to Earth as King of kings, Lord of lords (Rev. 19:16) — to restore God’s government by the world-ruling Kingdom of God!
When Jesus Christ returns with all the power of God, we shall have WORLD PEACE, with happiness, joy, prosperity – and a CHANGED WORLD.
This is THE TRUE GOSPEL! It is the very Gospel Christ preached! It is intended for you and me TODAY! It is vital that you UNDERSTAND!
The United Church of God, Hong Kong
The United Church of God Hong Kong, holds Sabbath services, every Saturday.
If you are interested in attending services please contact us. The meeting time and location details are provided in the link below.
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