
The Book of Revelation Unveiled at Last

The Book of Revelation Unveiled at Last
The Prophecies of the Book of REVELATION are revealed at last! The closed, sealed prophecies are opened. Here is a startling, eye opening booklet vividly picturing the catastrophic events soon to bring the END OF THIS AGE!
The Book of Revelation Unveiled at Last

The one book of prophecy in the Bible, the main book of prophecy, perhaps above all others, is the Book of Revelation. It’s often called the Apocalypse, especially in the Roman Catholic Bible. It is called the Apocalypse. And it means a revealing, the revelation, and it is the revelation of Jesus Christ. Now, it hasn’t been understood.

The Book of Revelation is largely written in symbolic language. They use symbols not to represent the thing it’s really talking about. And you can’t interpret that.  ONLY Jesus Christ could interpret it. And so, it is called the Revelation or the revealing of Jesus Christ. He is the one to reveal it.

And it has been a closed book until now, until the end of the world, God Almighty had intended it to be that way. I’d like to, have you noticed, something clear, clear back in the Old Testament in the book of Daniel, some of the writings of the prophet Daniel were closed. They couldn’t understand the prophecies until now.

We come in the 11th chapter of Daniel to verse 40 (Daniel 11:40). It says, “And at the time of the end,” now this is the longest prophecy in all the Bible. It really began in the 10th chapter, which is a sort of an introduction. The main prophecies in the 11th chapter, and the 12th chapter is the final finish of it. And the three of them are just one long prophecy, you might say, and it continues on under the 12th chapter, “the time of the end”.

“And at that time, shall Michael stand up, the great Prince who stands up for the Children of thy people. And there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation to that same time. And at that time, thy people shall be delivered. Everyone that shall be found written in the book”, (Daniel 12:1-4).

Now speaking there of the Book of Life, and only those, the dead in Christ was explained in the New Testament, are going to rise in the resurrection. At that time, Daniel heard these things, but he didn’t understand them. He said he heard but he didn’t understand, but he was writing it down, and the angel who was telling him these things said, “But thou, oh Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, the book he was writing this book of prophecy and seal the book even to the time of the end. Then said I, oh my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?” In other words, what’s going to come out of all that you’ve given me and all that you’ve shown me? “And he said, go thy way, Daniel, for the words are closed and sealed up until the end.”

Now, at the time of the end, he says, many shall be purified and made white and tried, but the wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand, (Daniel 12:10).

And at the time of the end, he said “many will be running to and fro, and knowledge will be increased”. Today you’ll find people who are going to and fro in automobiles and airplanes in every way. People are running to and fro, and knowledge has been increased so tremendously in this 20th century. In the decade of the sixties, the whole world’s fund of knowledge doubled, but the world’s troubles doubled also. You know, I’ve said many times that scientists and educators have said, “Just give us sufficient knowledge, and we will solve all of our problems, and we will kill all of the world’s troubles and evils,” and knowledge doubled, but troubles doubled also in that same decade because most of the knowledge was in the area of medicine and technology, and it didn’t help solve the problems.

The Book of Revelation is the Revelation of Christ. In other words, He is the one who reveals the meaning of the symbols, and He doesn’t reveal it in the Book of Revelation. But it’s interpreted by Jesus in the 24th chapter, Matthew, and the 13th chapter, Mark. In the 21st of Luke, there are like three reporters, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, all reporting the same general prophecy or speech of Jesus in their own way.

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