
Why Were You Born?

Why Were You Born?
It's positively astounding! It has remained undiscovered by science! No religion has revealed it! Higher education has never taught it!

Is it possible the whole world has been deceived-regarding the awesome PURPOSE of human life-about the WAY to world peace and how it will come? And could it be true that the real gospel message Christ brought from heaven REVEALED this missing dimension-but was suppressed?

This is the eye-opening story of the real gospel message of Jesus Christ- of how this missing dimension was withheld, and the whole world deceived.
Why Were You Born?

The Gospel Jesus Brought

Yet this message from the living God, if humanity had received and heeded it, would have saved this world from nearly all of its troubles, sufferings and evils.  The very word “gospel” means “good news.” That message, when fully understood, reveals a human potential so stupendous-so awesome-it appears at first to be totally beyond belief, yet it has been suppressed from the world until now.

Why Christ’s Gospel was Suppressed

Christ’s message reveals the most necessary facts about humanity: what man is, the purpose for which mankind was put on earth, where we are going, what is the way to world peace, happiness and universal prosperity, what are the true values, what is the awesome human potential, and how it may be achieved.

Answers to these questions form the most important knowledge ever made accessible to man. Yet it was spurned and rejected, and soon suppressed. Christ’s gospel message, when fully grasped, reveals what science has been utterly unable to discover. It reveals what religion in this world knows nothing of. It reveals what this world’s higher education has never known or taught. It reveals the most wonderful TRUTH a human mind could ever come to know! It reveals the missing dimension in knowledge, the knowledge most vitally necessary to know. It was the most monumental good news ever revealed by our Maker to mankind!

Why would men have wanted to reject it-put to death the messenger who brought it? Yes, why? The answer is that men were DECEIVED. And all nations are deceived today!  The purpose of this booklet is to reveal HOW men were deceived and to make plain WHAT that good news really was. And is.

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